OK, so here is the deal. My 5 year old son has taken an interest in some of my G/U cards lately, and he want to get some of his own. That is not really a problem, because I have some scrubs that I can give to him. But...I had the idea to do something really cool for him, and make him his own 1/1 g/u card of himself. I actually had this idea back in February, but I pretty much sucked at making on so I quit. Now he is interested in them so I am revisiting the idea.
This is where I need help. Back on Valentines day one of our faithful brethren posted a triple relic date card he made for his lady (NJ Turnpike ticket, Bennigans napkin ring, and a Rutgers t-shirt...I think). He offered to help me out but I declined at the time. Well now I am ready to recline....and take him up on his offer if he is still willing. The only problem is that I am a big dummy and do not remember who it was. If you have any clue as to who made the "Date Relic" card, please please please help me.
My 5 year old and I will send a few cool cards to the first person who can correctly identify the "Date Relic" creator.
TTM Success - Scott Ullger
1 hour ago
you will find the person you seek here;
good luck!
Thank You Captain Canuck, you will be rewarded. Please let me know what players you collect. It looks like Chipper and Andruw Jones from your blog, but let me know anyone else.